Don't throw it away, recycle your electronic junk today! Do it for free with AVC Recovery Systems. Call TODAY 913-669-5848. Serving western Missouri and eastern Kansas!

frequently asked questions

How much do your recycling services cost?
Our services are 100% free! 

Why aren’t you accepting CRT TV’s and computer monitors at this time?
CRT (glass tube) based TV’s and monitors are considered a special handle item as they are hazardous in many ways. At this time our facility is overwhelmed with these items and the current backlog dictates that we process inventory on hand before accepting more. Hopefully this will be rectified in the near future. You may call Surplus Exchange at (816) 472-0444 to make arrangements to recycle CRT products.

Do you accept from individuals? Schools? Businesses?
Yes, yes and yes. We pick up items in different areas in the Kansas City area on a monthly basis. Simply contact us so we can set up a time to pick up the items. If you are in the area, we also accept your drop offs at our Adrian, MO facility which is just south of Kansas City on I-49 highway.

What type of items to you recycle?
Anything electronic! Here is a short list: cell phones, computers, printers, scanners, fax machines, telephones, telephone systems, medical equipment (non nuclear), batteries (all kinds), VCR's, DVR's, CD players, x-ray machines, power supplies, radios, communication equipment, coax, wire, power packs, copiers, control panels, routers, switches, LAN and WAN equipment, cameras, WIFI gear, electronic toys, industrial controls, PLC's, relays, transformers, switchgear, motor control centers, antennas, automotive electronics, ECU's, ECM's, satellite dishes (aluminum), satellite receivers and more. We do not accept appliances of any kind except microwave ovens.

How big is your operation?
We have been in business for almost 16 years. Our yearly average (in weight) of recycled electronics averages close to 100 tons per year. The only thing that goes into the dumpster is trash, mostly paper products that cannot be recycled.

I saw the 60 Minutes show on junk going to foreign countries and polluting their environment. Do you ship out of the States?
Only working equipment may be shipped out of the United States. No scrap is sent overseas.

How much electronic junk is there in the United States?
Estimates show that there are many millions of pounds of new electronic waste every year. However, there are many millions of pounds of electronic junk already in the ground. The sad part is that ALL OF IT was 100% recyclable. Plastic, copper, gold, platinum, steel and glass contained in these items are simply wasted plus much of it will most likely contaminate the local ground water.

What exactly do you do with all this junk?
First, we try to find new homes for anything that is in working condition. In some cases we refurbish items that need only minor repairs. Everything else gets dismantled and sorted by type such as steel, copper, plastic etc. The sorted items are then sent to the appropriate recyclers for that type of item.

Do you destroy hard drives and other items that might contain sensitive information?
Without question. First we remove any name plates or documentation that might contain your name, company name, etc. Hard drives, floppy discs and CD roms are physically destroyed so that there is no chance of retrieving any type of data from them. Working hard drives are erased per Government specifications, eliminating any possibility that data could be retrieved.

Do you offer any other services?
Yes! We offer a variety of fundraising opportunities for your school, church or special interest group. Recycling Fundraising is an easy way to make substantial money for your group. Contact us for more info!